21 june | 6.30 pm
Cortile d’Onore
by Terry Riley
director Gabrio Taglietti
Terry Riley’s IN C (1935) is a piece that has become legendary. Considered the first ‘minimalist’ composition in the history of music, it was first performed in 1964 by a group of musicians that included not only Riley himself, but also Steve Reich. IN C consists of 53 patterns (groups of notes) to be performed in a way that reconciles improvisation, individual performance and collective creation, with any instrumental ensemble. The project for the performance of IN C is part of the actions of UNSCORED, an initiative created on the basis of a ministerial announcement by the musical high school I. D’Este in Mantua for the expansion of the educational offer in the field of the new languages of music and jazz. Students and teachers from the high school I. D’Este, local musical institutions, and passing artists to give life to a collective celebration of music that will have the connotation of a true happening.