
About Nicola

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So far Nicola has created 19 blog entries.

A labyrinth of metamorphoses


"The story of metamorphoses at Palazzo Te leads us towards the recognition of an essential experience concerning time and the unpredictable sense of the human as part of it. We are suspended between the impermanence of the moment and the eternal duration of forms inherited from the past, ancient forms that live in the [...]

A labyrinth of metamorphoses2024-07-17T13:24:19+02:00

Palazzo Te
The Labyrinth of Metamorphoses


Fondazione Palazzo Te proposes for the 2024 exhibition season a broad and articulated journey around the theme of metamorphosis, celebrating one of the most recurring and enigmatic topoi present within the palace created by Giulio Romano. This approach follows the tradition started in 2019 that investigates an annual theme to offer [...]

Palazzo Te
The Labyrinth of Metamorphoses

The Emperor and the Duke.
Charles V in Mantua


The dossier exhibition L’imperatore e il duca. Carlo V a Mantova (The Emperor and the Duke. Charles V in Mantua), at Palazzo Te from March 24th to June 25th, 2023, offers the public a reflection on the cultural meaning of contemporary Europe, starting with the figure of Charles V and his alliance [...]

The Emperor and the Duke.
Charles V in Mantua

Mantova: the Europe of Cities


2023 Exhibition Season Programme A year of exhibitions, events and initiatives focusing on Europe as the homeland of a cultural and artistic practice capable of safeguarding the value of freedom.  Mantova: l’Europa delle città (Mantova: the Europe of Cities) is the title given to the 2023 exhibition season developed by Fondazione Palazzo Te. From [...]

Mantova: the Europe of Cities2023-09-04T17:56:11+02:00

L’agire e il cominciare | LECTURE


Lezione sul gesto L’agire e il cominciare 24 june| 10.30 am – 1.00 pm Palazzo Te with Virgilio Sieni and Delfina Stella A meeting open to the public as part of the module of the Scuola di Palazzo Te - Fare Arte 2023 "A mano libera" (Freehand), a path that seeks to delve into [...]

L’agire e il cominciare | LECTURE2023-06-20T16:04:36+02:00

Danza cieca | PERFORMANCE


Performance  Danza Cieca 23 June| 9 pm Palazzo Te Choreography by Virgilio Sieni, performed by the choreographer together with Giuseppe Comuniello Artistic assistant and light director Delfina Stella Danza cieca is a duet performed by Virgilio Sieni and Giuseppe Comuniello, a blind dancer with whom the choreographer has shared years of research and initiation [...]

Danza cieca | PERFORMANCE2023-06-20T17:28:02+02:00

Cucire il tempo. L’arte come tessitura del quotidiano | SCREENING


Screening Cucire il tempo. L’arte come tessitura del quotidiano 22 june | 9 pm Spazio Te by Stefano Baia Curioni and Melina Mulas The documentary of the project Cucire il tempo (Sewing Time), curated by Stefano Baia Curioni and Melina Mulas, exhibited in 2021 at the Pescherie di Giulio Romano in Mantua, will be [...]

Cucire il tempo. L’arte come tessitura del quotidiano | SCREENING2023-06-20T16:04:02+02:00

Carlo V, l’ideologia imperiale e la politica delle arti di Federico Gonzaga | TALK


Conference L’agire e il cominciare 22 june| 6:30 pm Spazio Te with Guido Rebecchini In the context of the Scuola di Palazzo Te - Studiare Arte Guido Rebecchini holds a conference open to the public at Spazio Te to highlight the continuity and intensity of the relations linking Mantua to the broader Mediterranean and [...]

Carlo V, l’ideologia imperiale e la politica delle arti di Federico Gonzaga | TALK2023-06-20T16:03:51+02:00



IN C 21 june | 6.30 pm Cortile d'Onore by Terry Riley director Gabrio Taglietti Terry Riley's IN C (1935) is a piece that has become legendary. Considered the first 'minimalist' composition in the history of music, it was first performed in 1964 by a group of musicians that included [...]

IN C | MUSIC2023-06-22T16:23:12+02:00

Momenti | MUSIC


PERFORMANCE Momenti. Sound installation 20 June | 7.30 pm Spazio Te by Marea Management. Momenti, Marea's first self-produced art project, aims to create brief spaces of connection, emphasising the inner charge that each of us has as human beings, but which we often tend to forget. In a world that absorbs more and more [...]

Momenti | MUSIC2023-06-21T09:33:56+02:00
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