DATA CONTROLLER Fondazione Palazzo Te
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PURPOSES a. Pre-contractual and service provision purposes;
b. Marketing purposes;
c. Commercial purposes related to online purchases.
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LEGAL BASIS a. Performance of a contract;
b. Consent.
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b. Marketing and advertising service providers.
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CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL DATA PROCESSED Email address, first name, last name, location, age, language, email provider, web browser type, IP address, images, photos.

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DATA RETENTION CRITERIA Criteria used to determine the retention period of the data.
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DATA SUBJECT’S RIGHTS Access, rectification, deletion of data, and other rights detailed in the extended notice and provided by EU Regulation 2016/679.
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EXTENDED NOTICE You can consult the extended notice with detailed information at the following link:
COOKIES POLICY Consult the extended notice
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  • A. Pre-contractual purposes
    We will process your personal data for pre-contractual purposes. The data processing will be necessary to provide you with responses regarding our services and the related contracts. Personal data will be collected through the contact and registration forms available on the website. Specifically, personal data will be processed to:
    o Allow you to use the website and its functionalities;
    o Enable your registration on the platform, community, and interaction with content provided by the Data Controller;
    o Allow you to contact us through the website to request information about the Foundation’s activities.
  • B. Marketing purposes
    With your consent, we will process your personal data for direct marketing purposes by sending commercial communications. This processing will be carried out in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 and Directive 2002/58/EC. You can withdraw your consent to receive such communications at any time by opting out via the link provided in each email or by contacting us at the following email address:
  • C. Commercial purposes related to online purchases


  • A and C. Processing data for the performance of pre-contractual measures or contractual obligations
    Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679, any processing we carry out must have a legal basis. The processing of your data is necessary for the performance of pre-contractual measures or contractual obligations. Your personal data will therefore be retained for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purpose and then deleted, as further explained in the “Data Retention Criteria” chapter. Failure to provide data will make it impossible for us to provide the requested services.
  • B. Consent
    We will ask for your consent to process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, sending you commercial communications via email. You will always have the opportunity to object to this processing by withdrawing your consent either by sending us a communication at, by accessing the control panels provided by the automated marketing service providers listed in the relevant “RECIPIENTS OR CATEGORIES OF RECIPIENTS” section, or by not receiving further commercial emails by directly clicking the unsubscribe link (“unsubscribe”) found at the bottom of each received email. In case of withdrawal of consent, data processing for this purpose will cease immediately.


To provide services, allow you to use the website, and for our marketing purposes, we may share your data with the following recipients:

  • Hosting service providers

The website hosting service is managed by Hetzner Online GmbH Industriestr. 25 91710, Gunzenhausen, Germany (“Data Processor”). Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (“the GDPR”) (Article 28, paragraph 3), the Data Controller is required to enter into a written agreement between the Data Controller and any organization processing personal data on its behalf. We have electronically signed a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) to ensure compliance with the obligations set forth by the regulation. For more information on the data processing methods performed by the data processor, please visit the privacy policy available at the following link:

  • Automated marketing system providers

The Rocket Science Group, LLC 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE Suite 5000 Atlanta, GA 30308 USA (“Mailchimp“). The Rocket Science Group owns an automated marketing platform known as “MAILCHIMP.” Newsletters and communications will be sent using the Mailchimp platform. Mailchimp’s service provision involves processing personal data on behalf of the Data Controller. Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (“the GDPR”) (Article 28, paragraph 3), the Data Controller is required to enter into a written agreement between the Data Controller and any organization processing personal data on its behalf. Therefore, the Data Controller has entered into a data processing agreement with MailChimp (“Data Processor”) to ensure compliance with the aforementioned GDPR provisions concerning all personal data processing activities carried out by the Data Processor. You can find more information on how Mailchimp processes personal data at the following link:


Depending on your use of the website, we may collect some of the following personal and non-personal data: email address, first name, last name, location, language, email provider, web browser type, IP address, login data, browser details, duration of visits to website pages, page views and navigation paths, details on the number of times the website is used, time zone settings, and devices used to access the website. We will process the above data to manage the website and ensure that you are provided with relevant content, to ensure the security of our website using security plugins, including maintaining backups.

Community: Among the personal data collected by the Data Controller through the Website, either independently or through third parties, are: First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Image, Location, Age. By registering or authenticating through Social Login, the Data Controller may access certain data stored by the third-party service used for registration or identification. The level of data sharing depends on the privacy and sharing settings you have selected on the social network.


The personal data of data subjects may be transferred to the following country: United States of America.

All data recipients located in the United States who will receive the data guarantee adequate security measures and protection of the same.


Account information will be retained until the Visitor decides to delete their account or until the expiration of the contract or the end of the service. Personal data will only be retained for the time strictly necessary to provide the service and then deleted. Information and data used for marketing purposes will be deleted as soon as the Visitor asks us to do so by revoking consent, either via the opt-out links in commercial communications or control panels, or by sending us a communication.


As a data subject, you have the right to:

  1. Be informed about the existence or otherwise of personal data concerning you;
  2. Access the personal data that is being processed;
  3. Request correction if the data we have collected is inaccurate, or request data completion if the same is incomplete;
  4. Request the deletion of data in cases provided for by Article 17 of Regulation 2016/679, including in cases of consent withdrawal or if the personal data processed is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;
  5. Obtain the restriction of processing under Article 18 of Regulation 2016/679;
  6. Request the portability of your personal data from the Data Controller and receive it in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, or request the direct transmission of your personal data to another controller;
  7. Object to the processing of your data at any time;
  8. Not be subjected to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that produces legal effects concerning you or significantly affects you in a similar way;
  9. Lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.


You can exercise your rights at any time by sending us an email at the following address:

We are obliged to respond to your requests within one month of receipt. This period may be extended by two months, if necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of requests received. In case of extension, you will be informed of the delay and the reasons.
Should we consider that we cannot comply with your requests, we will communicate the reasons for the refusal. In such a case, you will still have the opportunity to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that websites send to users’ devices, where they are stored to be transmitted back to the same sites during subsequent visits. Cookies are used for different purposes: performing computer authentication, session tracking, storing information on specific configurations regarding users accessing the server, storing preferences, and more.

The site uses technical and third-party cookies, in particular:

Technical Cookies
The site uses cookies necessary to allow users to navigate the site correctly, enable the use of interactive services, and facilitate and improve the user experience on our site. Some functions of our site depend on navigation cookies to work.

Analytics Cookies
The site also uses Google Analytics cookies to collect aggregated information on the number of users and how they use the site. This is a web analytics service provided by Google. The generated information is used to identify user trends on this website without identifying individual visitors and to create reports on the site’s usage. The data generated by Google Analytics is stored by Google as indicated in the notice available at the following link:
To view the privacy policy of Google Inc., To consult the privacy policy of Google Inc., please refer to the website: To prevent Google from cross-referencing the information collected via Analytics with other data in its possession, the data-sharing settings with Google Inc. have also been modified by disabling the following functions:

  1. Google products and services;
  2. benchmarking;
  3. technical assistance;
  4. account experts;

The Controller has selected the IP anonymization function as described at the following link: and has accepted the “Google Ads Data Processing Terms” provided by Google Inc., in compliance with Regulation 2016/679, which defines some aspects of the processing and security of users’ personal data in accordance with data protection regulations. Users who do not want their data to be used by Google Analytics can install the browser add-on for disabling Google Analytics. This add-on instructs the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) on websites not to use Google Analytics data.

Profiling, Marketing, Advertising, and Tracking Cookies

Profiling cookies are used to receive offers tailored to the purchasing preferences and tastes expressed by users during online navigation and to display advertising messages consistent with their profile. This way, the advertisements you see on the site may be more in line with your preferences. Profiling cookies also include those suitable for tracking user choices during navigation. Users are free to block the installation of profiling cookies at any time, without any consequence on the possibility of visiting the site and using its contents. If the user decides to disable profiling cookies, the banners displayed on the site may not reflect the user’s interests or preferences.

Below is a list of third-party profiling cookies currently used on the site, with a link to the information pages created by their developers:

Cookie name Privacy policy link 






How to enable or disable cookies through the browser?

If users decide not to allow the installation of navigation or technical cookies on their computer, some functions and services may not be available. Technical cookies do not record any personal information about a user, and any identifiable data will not be stored. If users choose to block the storage of navigation cookies, the Controller can no longer guarantee the proper functioning of the site. Notwithstanding what is stated concerning the cookies necessary for navigation, users can prevent the installation of marketing cookies through the banner settings or delete them later through their browser. Each web browser allows the limitation and deletion of cookies through its settings. For more information on managing cookies, refer to the relevant link below.

Internet Explorer




User Rights

The use of cookies on the Site will only occur if the user has given their consent.

Users can give their consent to the use of cookies by clicking “ok” on the banner visible upon the first access to the Site, on its homepage, or by closing the banner and scrolling the homepage or clicking any element (performing a scroll-down action).

It is reminded, however, that the consent requested through the aforementioned banner refers exclusively to the use of “third-party” technical cookies and not to proprietary technical cookies.

To disable the use of proprietary technical cookies, users must change their browser preferences as indicated below.

If users refuse to use cookies, they will not be used, but the ability to provide services will be reduced. In this case, some of the site’s functions may not work perfectly, and some services may not be available. Cookies cannot and will not be used to collect users’ email addresses, nor will they be used to obtain information from the hard drive or personal and/or sensitive data.

Each user still has the option to disable cookies through the software used for browsing the Internet (the so-called “browser”). Many browsers are set to accept cookies unless instructed otherwise by the user.

The Company invites users to check their browser settings regarding cookies and adjust them according to their preferences.

To manage cookies and user preferences, the configuration of each browser is different and is described in the browser’s help menu, which allows you to know how to change the preferences regarding cookies.

To manage your preferences regarding the use of cookies, users can also visit and modify their cookie settings at their discretion.

Last update: [29-05-2018].


  • Copyright
    All texts, graphics, and images on this site are protected under copyright laws, patents, and intellectual property regulations. This material may not be copied, modified, or resold for profit or any other purpose. Any violation of these laws will entitle the site owner to take legal action to protect their rights.
  • Site Usage
    In no event shall Palazzo Te be held liable for any damages of any kind, whether directly or indirectly caused by accessing the site or using the information contained therein. Palazzo Te reserves the right to modify the site content and legal notes at any time without prior notice.
  • Access to Linked External Sites
    Palazzo Te is not responsible for the content of any sites accessed via links found on this site. The accuracy and completeness of information obtained through access to linked sites are the responsibility of the owners of those sites.